Wearing a face shield can keep you safe if restrictions are lifted for summer. This is how a 29-year cancer survivor Rebecca A. Housel Ph.D. is solving the COVID-19 puzzle. Thought her own research, and program that she is currently takings as the postgraduate continuing education courses through Harvard Medical School on COVID-19, she did a summary article over at Psychology Today.
She noted in her research: in according to a Journal of the American Medical Association article dated 29 April 2020, face shields were “shown to reduce immediate viral exposure by 96%.” That’s pretty significant, especially given that the study parameters included the face shield wearer being within 18 inches of an actively coughing person, with no mouth-mask involved by either person being present.
Housel adds, the Infectious Diseases Society of America made policy recommendations for public health and safety when easing COVID-19 distancing restrictions this summer. These recommendations include the use of not just mouth-masks in public spaces, but face shields as well.
Now, when paired with social distancing of at least 6 feet, the study concluded that face shields (without the use of mouth-masks) reduced inhaled viral particles by 92%.
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