Dr. Amesh Adalja infectious disease associate from John Hopkins University talks to TODAY’s reporter Vicky Nguyen in segment Search for Solutions series.
“Not only does face shield cover your mouth and your nose it covers your eyes. We know eyes are an important route of infection,” says Adalja. “We also know that people that are wearing masks are touching their faces constantly to adjust the mask. When you wear a face shield that really is not an issue,” he adds.
According to Vicky Nguyen, it is a lot easier to talk and breathe under the face shield. Also, it doesn’t need to be adjusted once putted on in place, plus one can even take a sip of its favorite drink while wearing it. The bonus is that facial recognition on the phone actually works with a face shield on. Nguyen also admits that after wearing a mask for a long time, it is a strange sensation to have all the open space underneath a cheer and side of the face with air that the face shield provides.
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